
In Ecclesiastes 10:19 it says, "A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything."  Yet in 1Timothy 6:10, it says, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."  Someone has challenged me on this saying that the Bible contradicts itself.  Please explain.


Ecclesiastes 10:19 is speaking rather sarcastically to the "party time" king who believes that money is the answer for everything.  For example, for the king, that raising taxes is the answer to life, that more money will take care of all his problems. Solomon was one of the wisest men in the world and yet he made a lot of mistakes. The Book of Ecclesiastes is about the "principles" Solomon drew from his rather (at times) worldly experiences. He makes many observations about life, but the entire book's theme is summed up at the end of the Book: "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." [Ecclesiastes 12:13]  It is not money that is important--it is God, and the use of the money (and everything else) for the glory of God. 

When the Bible says, "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil," it is referring to the "love" of it, for money itself is not the root of evil!  Money rightly acquired and used can glorify God, but a "love" of it will bring all kinds of problems.

Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Tony Capoccia's Questions and Answers" by:

Tony Capoccia
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