Great Christian Sermons - Most Popular

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All sermons are repreached by Tony Capoccia of -- Midlothian, Texas


Charles H. Spurgeon

Election and Predestination - Originally preached on September 2, 1855, this is a clear and needful sermon on a subject that has been woefully neglected by the Church today, yet it is a crucial doctrine to understanding "Free Grace" and living a humble Christian life. 59:43
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God - Considered one of the greatest sermons ever preached, and is thought to be the catalyst that launched the "Great Awakening" revival in America. As Jonathan Edwards preached the sermon, many in the congregation began to fall on their knees, weeping and crying out for mercy from the Living God. This is the type of bold and clear message that desperately needs to be preached in our churches today. 59:13
Charles H. Spurgeon
Satan Considering the Saints -"Then the LORD said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant Job?'" In what sense, Satan may be said to consider the people of God? Notice what it is that he considers about them. Let us comfort ourselves by the reflection that One who is far above Satan considers us in a higher sense. Another Sermon that Satan DOES NOT want you to listen to! 52:58
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758 God Chooses Who He Will Save and Leaves the Others with Their Freewill Choice to Reject Him - Jonathan Edwards discusses the doctrine of Election and the overall Sovereignty of God. He uses as his text Romans 9:18, "God has mercy on whom He wants to have mercy, and He hardens whom He wants to harden." Many insightful observations. 1:06:18
Charles H. Spurgeon
Grieving the Holy Spirit of God -Now, the purpose of my sermon, this morning, will be to exhort you not to grieve the Holy Spirit. I shall divide it into three parts: 1.The love of the Holy Spirit. 2. The seal of the Holy Spirit. 3.The grieving of the Holy Spirit.
Charles H. Spurgeon

The Holy Spirit's Intercession -The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." [Romans 8:26-27] "Our subjects for consideration shall be, first, the help which the Holy Spirit gives; secondly, the prayers which He inspires; and thirdly, the success which such prayers are certain to obtain."

Charles H. Spurgeon

How to Become Fishers of Men - When Christ calls us by his grace, we must not only remember what we are, but we must also think of who Jesus can make us into. Here for believers in Christ, in the order of their usefulness, three things from our text: 1. First, something for believers to do—Follow Jesus. Jesus said, “Follow me.” 2. Secondly, something to be done by their great Lord and Master: Jesus said, “…I will make you fishers of men.” 3. He presents us with an illustration of what Christians should be—fishers of men.

Charles H. Spurgeon
Wedding Supper of the Lamb -"Then the angel said to me, 'Write: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!'" (Rev 19:9) I want you to notice, first of all, the DESCRIPTION OF THE BRIDEGROOM. Secondly, I will speak a little on The MEANING OF THE MARRIAGE SUPPER: What will that marriage supper be? Thirdly, I must speak a little about the PERSONS WHO ARE CALLED TO THIS SUPPER. Who are the people who are called to this great marriage feast? Lastly, let us think of the BLESSEDNESS WHICH IS ASCRIBED TO THOSE WHO ARE CALLED TO THIS MARRIAGE SUPPER. 46:05
Charles H. Spurgeon
Belief in the Doctrine of Election Will Result in a Life of Holiness -"Some of you will not approve of what I have to say. You will remember, however, that I do not seek your approval, that it will be sufficient for me if I have cleared my conscience concerning this great truth and have faithfully preached the gospel.

I am not accountable to you, nor you to me. You are accountable to God, if you reject any of His truths; I am accountable to him if I preach an error. I am not afraid to stand before His Judgment Seat with regard to the great doctrines which I will preach to you this day.”
Charles H. Spurgeon
How To Share the Gospel in Simple Terms--Works Every Time! A Very Simple and Clear Message - "Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" In this short message, Spurgeon talks about how to use the gospel to win souls. A very simple and clear message.
Charles H. Spurgeon
No Room for Christ - In our world today, the overwhelming majority of people have absolutely no room for Christ, and it has always been that way from His birth. Spurgeon said, "My business this morning is to lead your meditations to the stable at Bethlehem, that you may see this great sight--the Savior in the manger, and think over the reason for this lowly place of birth--"because there was no room for them in the inn."
Charles H. Spurgeon
Are You Prepared to Die? - "There are some subjects which are more or less matters of pure faith and personal feeling; and though all Christian doctrines bear more or less directly upon the Christian life, yet they are not what is commonly meant by practical subjects. Our text, however, brings us face to face with a very practical matter; it asks how we plan to conduct ourselves in the hour of our death. Christians may differ from others on some points, but I am sure that here we are united in belief—we must die, and must not die unprepared." 50:48
Charles H. Spurgeon
When Sharing the Gospel, You Can Expect These Eight Common Pushbacks from Unbelievers - Spurgeon discusses eight pushbacks to winning the souls of men and women: (1) Indifference, (2) Unbelief, (3) Delay, (4) Carnal Security, (5) Despair, (6) Love of sin, (7) Self-righteousness, and (8) The habits and company of unbelievers. 20:39
Charles H. Spurgeon
God is the Creator and Sustainer of All Things, He Has A Right to Do as He Pleases with His Creation - God said, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion." [Exodus 33:19] Because God is the Maker, and Creator, and sustainer of all things, He has a right to do as He pleases with all of His creation. God's absolute supremacy and unlimited sovereignty naturally flow from His omnipotence, and even if it were not true, then the superlative excellence of the divine character would entitle Him to absolute dominion." 56:18
Charles H. Spurgeon
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ - “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ” is a word to you who are saved by Christ and justified by his righteousness. You are to put on and clothe yourself with Christ and keep on putting him on in the sanctifying of your lives to your God. You are to continually more and more, every day, to wear as the clothing of your lives the character of the Lord, Jesus Christ.” 49:26
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758 Redeeming the Time - Our text today commands us to set a high value on our opportunities in life and to be very careful that they are not lost; and we are therefore exhorted to exercise wisdom and caution, in order that we may make the most of our time. Therefore it appears, that the time allocated for us in our lives is extremely precious.Therefore it appears, that the time allocated for us in our lives is extremely precious. 44:01
Charles H. Spurgeon
How to Teach Children to Fear the Lord! - This sermon applies to Sunday School teachers and Parents teaching at home. Children are capable of being taught the fear of the Lord. Five key points are given.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Contentment - I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." [Philippians 4:11] "The apostle Paul was a very educated man, but his one of his greatest attainments in his studies was this — he had learned to be content.
Charles H. Spurgeon
How to Fight the Daily War Between the Flesh and the Spirit - We will first discuss the two natures of all true Christians—the Flesh and the Spirit. Secondly, we will examine their constant battle. Thirdly, we will step aside and look at Paul and hear him cry, “What a wretched man I am!”
Charles H. Spurgeon
The Prayer of Jabez - "Jabez, we are told, was more honorable than his brothers, and his prayer is immediately recorded as if to insinuate that he was also more prayerful than his brothers. We are told of the petitions in his prayer. All through the prayer, it was very significant and instructive. "Oh, that you would bless me!” I recommend it as a prayer for each one of you, dear brothers and sisters; one which will be available at all times; a prayer to begin Christian life with, a prayer to end it with, a prayer which that would always be appropriate in your joys or in your sorrows."”
Charles H. Spurgeon
Wake up! Are You a Sleeping Christian, Not Doing Much for Christ and His Kingdom? - "So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled." (1 Thessalonians 5:6). —The "sleep" of the text is evil and should be avoided. —The words "so then" are employed to show that there are specific reasons for avoiding this sleep. —Since the apostle speaks of this sleep with sorrow, it is to teach us that there are some, whom he calls "others," over whom it is our business to grieve because they sleep, are not alert, and are not self-controlled, and thus are condemned to Hell.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Are You Aware True Christian, You Will Marry The Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ? - My dear believer in Christ, Satan will be very busy with you today. He will say, "What right do you have to believe that God is married to you?" He will remind you of your imperfections, the coldness of your love, and perhaps the backsliding state of your heart. He will say, "Why, with all this about you, can you be presumptuous enough to claim union with the Son of God? Can you venture to hope that there will be any marriage between you and the Holy One?" 48:39
Charles H. Spurgeon
Living on the Word: Why We Must Read the Bible Everyday! -"Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." (Deuteronomy 8:3) In this sermon, we will, First, consider "Every word" that comes from the mouth of the Lord." Secondly, we must learn how to use the Word; we must live on it. Thirdly, How to apply that Word to our daily lives, every Word of it, for, according to the text, we do not live on "some" words that come out of God's mouth: "But man lives on 'every' Word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." 50:56
Charles H. Spurgeon
At The End of Your Life -"The wise man saw a young and foolish man straying into the house of the adulterous woman. The house seemed so completely different from what he knew it to be that he desired to shed a light on it, that the young man might not sin in the dark but might understand the nature of his actions. The young man dreamed of pleasure, he hoped to find delight in lustful lovemaking; but when the lamp of 'At the end' began to shine, he saw rottenness in his bones, filthiness in his flesh, pains and griefs and sorrows, as the necessary consequence of sin. 57:12
Charles H. Spurgeon
Perseverance: Enduring to the End - "He who stands firm to the end will be saved." By persevering in the faith we prove that we are true believers. Without perseverance, we cannot be saved; and if we are truly saved then we will persevere through divine grace. 55:53
Charles H. Spurgeon
God's Will and Man's Will - "It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy." [Romans 9:16] "This morning there are two things I must talk about: First, the work of salvation rests on the will of God and not on the will of man. Secondly, the equally sure doctrine, that the will of man has its proper position in the work of salvation and is not to be ignored." 57:42

J. C. Ryle

If You Claim to Be a Christian, Yet You Do Not Truly Seek a Life of Holiness, You Are Deceived! - Our text for today opens up a subject of profound importance. That subject is practical holiness. It suggests a question that demands the attention of all true Christians--Are we holy? Will we see the Lord?

John Wesley

When You Fast - Of all the means of grace, there is scarcely any concerning which men and women have run into greater extremes than that of which our Lord speaks in our text this morning, I mean Christian fasting. It is not the end, but it is a precious means to the end, a means which God himself has ordained, and in which, therefore, when it is properly used, God will surely give us his blessing.
Charles H. Spurgeon
Characteristics of Christ's Disciples - I think the question must arise in the hearts of many of you, "What does it mean to be Christ's disciple?" and also the follow-on question, "Am I one of his disciples?" It is very important for us to know what a disciple is, for we are commanded to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 58:23
George Whitefield 1714-1770
How to Walk with God, Like Enoch Did for 365 Years! - Originally preached in the 1700s. "Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away." [Genesis 5:24] 47:59
Charles H. Spurgeon
Our Time on Earth is Short - Our 70 or 80 years on earth are very short compared to eternity. We must spend our days wisely and always for Christ! This sermon tells us how to spend our time wisely, be aware of how quickly time passes, be prepared to die, and be sure that our destiny is Heaven and not Hell.
Charles H. Spurgeon
How the Saints May Help the Devil - How Christians help Satan comfort sinners in their sins! This morning, I will point out the following: —How Christians help Satan to comfort sinners in their sin. —How the world has been injured by the actions of Christians. —How Christians can stop assisting Satan. 55:56
Charles H. Spurgeon
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Christians? Things Like Cancer, Strokes, Death of Loved Ones, etc. - God often sends us what we consider a bad thing, not for his benefit, but for ours; he wants us to come near to him and receive a blessing from his hands, but we are foolish, cold-hearted, and sinful, and we will not come. He, knowing that we will not come by any other means, sends a serious trial, which he has a right to do, seeing that our “things in life” are far more his than they are ours. 1:00:11
Charles H. Spurgeon
The Tenderness of Jesus--Gathering Christians Who are Anxious in Spirit and Weak in Their Hearts - This morning, in considering the text, I have a special eye towards those among us who are weak. I desire to administer consolation to those who are distressed in their spirits and weak in their hearts, hoping that while I speak, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, may minister to them. 59:02
George Whitefield 1714-1770
Satan's Schemes - Originally preached in the 1700s, and it discusses some of the key "schemes" that Satan uses against Christians. This sermon helps us to understand why godly Christians sometimes struggle in their walk with Christ. We have an enemy of our souls but we are not unaware of his schemes! The Sermon that Satan DOES NOT want you to listen to! 41:55
Charles H. Spurgeon
God is Jealous of His Deity, Sovereignty, Glory, His People--Walk Carefully, We Serve a Jealous God - "The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. My soul is humbled before the Lord and I tremble at His name!" I. Reverently, remember that the Lord is extremely Jealous of His Deity. II. The Lord is Jealous of His Sovereignty. III. The Lord is Jealous of His Glory. IV. In the highest sense, the Lord is Jealous of His own people. 55:39
Charles H. Spurgeon
The Holy Spirit's Operation, Influence, and Blessings Available to Our Churches - "While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message." [Acts 10:44] I will endeavor to describe the method of the Spirit's operation. The absolute necessity of the Holy Spirit's influence, if we would see men converted. I will suggest the ways and means by which under divine grace we may obtain a like coming down of the Spirit on our churches."
Charles H. Spurgeon
Husbands, Love Your Wives! - Husbands, this sermon will be help you ensure a blessed and joyful marriage. God commands you to love your wives, and gives you a perfect example to follow. With great reverence, let us think, first, of how Christ loves the church; then, secondly, how he has proved his love by "giving himself" for the church; and then, thirdly, let us ask the practical question, "What should be our reaction to this wondrous love of Christ?"
Charles H. Spurgeon
The Sovereignty of Divine Grace and the Mercy of God Determines Who Will Be Saved - "About the eleventh hour, he went out and found still others standing around." (Matthew 20:6) First, in our text, we will note the Sovereignty of Divine Grace. Secondly, the Mercy of God. Lastly, we will solemnly apply the passage to both the old and young. 50:43
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758 The Future Punishment of the Wicked - Since God must deal with unrepentant sinners, they will neither avoid the threatened misery nor deliver themselves from it nor can they endure it. In handling this doctrine, I will, 1. Show what God implies in dealing with unrepentant sinners. 2. That unrepentant sinners cannot avoid punishment. 3. They cannot deliver themselves from it or do anything for their own relief under it. 4. That they cannot bear it. 5. I will answer a question and then proceed to the application. 1:02:49
Charles H. Spurgeon

Songs in the Night - "No one says, 'Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night.” [Job 35:10]

Note: This sermon is one of Charles Spurgeon's most famous. It offers a good example of the kind of motivational exhortation that preachers ought to aspire to in their sermons. Most of all, Spurgeon shows us passion. He clearly cares about what he is saying and will press it upon the listener.

It's not necessary to prove to you that Christians have nights; for if you are Christians, you will find that you have them, and you will not need any proof, for nights will come quite often enough. I will, therefore, proceed at once to the subject; and I will speak this evening on songs in the night:

Charles H. Spurgeon

Jesus Washed His Disciples' Feet and Washing Yours Today. Are You Washing the Feet of Others, Too? - "Let us come at once to the teaching of the Savior, and let it be surrounded with unusual interest because of the fact that it is his dying teaching. As we see him washing his disciples' feet, we will discover choice love worthy of the last solemn hour of departure."

Charles H. Spurgeon

A Crucified Thief, Saved by a Crucified Savior, and in Heaven a Few Hours Later - A sermon about one of the most extraordinary conversions in the Bible: One of the two thieves crucified next to Jesus at Calvary!

1. The special means of his conversion, while being crucified. 2. The specialness of his faith on the cross. 3. The specialness in the outcome of his faith while he was here on earth at Calvary. 4. The specialness in the promise secured by his faith – the promise fulfilled to him in Paradise the same day.

Charles H. Spurgeon

To Save Some Souls is Why We are Still on Earth and Not in Heaven! - Shortly before Christ ascended to heaven, He commanded everyone who believed in Him to save the lost while He was gone. It was a command and not an option--He expects our obedience.




Charles H. Spurgeon

When Choosing a Church, Just be sure the Pastor Preaches the True Gospel! - "When I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!" Now, these words of Paul, I trust, are applicable to many pastors today, to all those who are specially called, who are directed by the inward impulse of the Holy Spirit to occupy the position of gospel ministers.

In trying to consider this verse, we will answer three questions this morning: 1. What is it to preach the gospel? 2. Why is it that a pastor has nothing to boast of? 3. What is that compelling and that woe, of which it is written, "I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel?"




Charles H. Spurgeon

You Must Imitate Christ, So People Will Know That You Are a Christian! - "I will endeavor to stir up your minds and urge you to imitate Christ, so that men and women may perceive that you are followers of Jesus, the Holy Son of God." 1. What should Christians be in their lives? 2. When should Christians imitate Christ? 3. Why should Christians imitate Christ? 4. How can Christians imitate Christ?

Imitate Christ, -- and your coworkers, neighbors, relatives, and friends, may be convicted of sin and be open to the Gospel.




Charles H. Spurgeon

Spurgeon's Gems #51 to #100 - These Gems are a collection of many treasured sayings of Charles Spurgeon during his ministry of over 40 years. My purpose in presenting them is to encourage and help the Christian in their love and devotion to their Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.



Charles H. Spurgeon

The Wounds of Jesus - "Jesus showed them His hands and feet." Today, we will answer three questions: First, what influence did the showing of Jesus' hands and feet have on the disciples? Secondly, why is it that Jesus Christ, now in heaven, still has the scars in his flesh? Thirdly, is there any lesson to us in the fact that Jesus Christ still wears his wounds? I think there is.



J. C. Ryle

Where Will You Spend Eternity--In Heaven or in Hell? - The subject is one that the wisest person can only take in a little at a time. We have no eyes to see it fully and no mind to grasp it, and yet we must consider it. --We live in a world where all things are temporary and passing away. --We are all moving toward a world where everything is eternal. --Our future state in the unseen world of eternity depends entirely on what we are in the present. --The Lord Jesus Christ is the great Friend and Savior to whom we must all look to for help, both for now and eternity. 41:51
Charles H. Spurgeon

What Must be Boldly Preached and Taught in These Times Today - The Shepherds' Conference of 1890 with Charles Spurgeon speaking! Spurgeon always regarded the Conference as one of the most important in the whole year. He devoted much time, thought, care, and prayer to the preparation of his messages to the hundreds of pastors, preachers, Sunday School teachers, and Christians of all ranks to help them to exercise that "all-around ministry" of which Spurgeon himself was so earnest an advocate and so bright an example.



Charles H. Spurgeon

Fellowship with Christ - He Longs for Us to “Daily” Walk with Him, Just like Enoch Did - Christ is always striving to bring us near Him. He blames us because we are not familiar enough, He does not praise us because we stand at a respectful distance, but He praises Enoch because he walked with God, and He loves the Apostle John because he laid his head on His chest..



John Bunyan

The Christian Family - Originally written in 1674. Teaching heads of families, husbands, wives, parents, and children, how to walk so as to please God. A great look back 348 years to the unchangeable Word of God on how to raise a family. The Bible declares that God's Words apply to every generation. Compare how they applied God's instruction for families in 1674 to today, and see how much the application of God's Word has changed in our generation. God never changes his decrees.

Note: John Bunyan is the author of “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” written in 1678. This Christian allegory is regarded as one of the most significant Christian books ever written, second only to the Bible itself.



Charles H. Spurgeon

Seeking Assurance--Am I Really Saved? Will I Go to Heaven at the Moment of My Death? - This message is for everyone — both the saint and the sinner, the young and the old, those who are assured of their salvation, and those who are doubtful of it. Ask yourself—do you have faith in Christ? You have to believe that the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ, became flesh. Think of the Son of God bleeding on the cross. It is at the foot of the cross that faith is brought to light. If you want the faith, Christ must give it to you. Look to Jesus; look to Jesus for the power to believe as well as for the grace to receive all the benefits that follow. May He give it to you right now! To you, oh! Seeker, He will give it! While you are seeking salvation, you will find it near you.



Charles H. Spurgeon

Convince Your Neighbors, Coworkers, Repent and Believe in Christ! - This sermon was originally titled "Compel Them to Come in." Spurgeon confessed, “I think I never preached another sermon by which so many souls were won to God.” From beginning to end, the riveting exhortation of this sermon is full of fervent entreaties for sinners to come to Christ.



Robert L. Dabney

Why Women Are Not Allowed to Preach or Be the Pastor of a Church - Does the Bible really prohibit Women Preachers and Pastors? Yes, it does, and the support for this answer is found in this sermon. Today we find a rapid advancement of new ideas. The unbelievable suggestion of yesterday, entertained only by a few fanatics and only mentioned by the conservatives to be ridiculed, is today the bold reform, and tomorrow will be the accepted practice.



Charles H. Spurgeon

The Secret of Loving God - Tonight, I will present four points concerning our text: I. First, by showing you that OUR LOVE TO GOD IS A FACT WHICH DESERVES AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND A CONFESSION. II. Secondly, that OUR LOVE IS AN EFFECT FLOWING FROM A CAUSE: "We love because he first loved us." III. Thirdly - OUR LOVE IS A SIMPLICITY FOUNDED UPON A MYSTERY. "We love." That is simple enough. "Because he first loved us." Ah! there is a great mystery which none of us can fully understand. IV. Lastly - OUR LOVE IS A FORCE SUSTAINED BY A HIGHER FORCE.



Charles H. Spurgeon

After Death Comes God's Judgment and Here is How to Get Ready for That Day! - Since God is just and He must punish sin, then what can I do to satisfy His justice? The business this morning shall be to show, 1. How God's justice can be so satisfied that it forgives the sinner? 2. It is an act of justice on God's part to forgive the sinner who confesses his sin to God. But let me utter a caution; I shall speak this morning only to those who feel their guilt and are ready to confess their sin. There is no promise of mercy or pardon for those who still love sin and will not acknowledge their guilt. For them, there remains nothing but fearful judgment."



Charles H. Spurgeon

Witnessing is Better than Knowing the Future - Jesus said, "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” I. First, let us consider SOME THINGS WHICH ARE NOT FOR US. II. And now, secondly, there is SOMETHING FOR US TO RECEIVE—The Power of the Holy Spirit! III. Now we pass on to the third point, which is a very important practical one, SOMETHING FOR US TO BE.



Charles H. Spurgeon

How to Get the Unsaved—Saved? Lift Up Christ in Sharing and in Preachinge - It is the business of every preacher and every Christian in the Church to lift Christ up in the gospel. Jesus said, "When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself." When Christ is preached, shared, and lifted up, the effect will be that He will draw all men to Himself. Christ draws like a trumpet, attracting men to hear the proclamation. Christ draws like a net, bringing men out of the sea of sin. Christ draws, also, with bonds of love.



Charles H. Spurgeon

The Lord's Supper is Not an Option for Believers. Not to Partake of it is Disobedience and a Sin. - "Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." (1 Corinthians 11:26) —Proclaim the Lord's death. —Proclaim the Lord's death until He Comes. —Proclaim the Lord's death until He Comes--Christ will come again!



Charles H. Spurgeon

The Providence of God and its Effect on Our Daily Lives - “Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:30) From the text, I shall draw three points: 1. The minuteness of providence. 2. God's kind consideration in caring for His people. 3. Because of God’s Providence, How should we live?



Charles H. Spurgeon

Sharing the Gospel is the Same as Preaching it, So Share and Preach Christ Crucified! - When we share the Gospel, we are also preaching it, to change lives, so we must share and preach Christ Crucified! Our major points in this sermon: —What are we to preach (share)? —To whom do we preach (share) this? —How are we to preach (share) Christ crucified?



J. C. Ryle

The Great Separation at Death—True Christians Go to Heaven, Non-Christians Go Non-Stop to Hell! - Four points to consider:   —The two great classes into which mankind will be divided.   —The time when the twoAll people on Earth can be separated into only two groups: Those who are going to Heaven, and those who are going to Hell. great classes of mankind will be separated.   —The joyful inheritance that Christ's people will receive at death for all of eternity.   —The great torment and wrath that all who reject Christ will receive at death for all of eternity.   1:12:30
George Whitefield 1714-1770
Resurrection of Lazarus is One of the Greatest, if Not the Very Greatest, Miracle Jesus Ever Worked! - The evangelist John is very particular in giving us an account of this miracle, even so particular, as to spend a whole chapter relating the circumstances which preceded, attended, and followed after it. I will go back to the beginning of this chapter, follow the evangelist step by step, and consider: —The details of this wondrous miracle. —Some practical observations. —Some lessons learned that naturally arise from this sermon. 1:13:26
Charles H. Spurgeon

Comfort for Those Who are Tempted - I will present five Comforts for our Temptations:I will present five Comforts for our Temptations: 1. There has been a limit in all your former temptations 2. The faithfulness of God 3. The restraint which God puts on temptation 4. The provision which the Lord makes for the tempted 5. The support which God supplies in the temptation.



Charles H. Spurgeon

The Secret Power in Prayer - A Special Blessing of Being a True Christian! - Does the text mean what it says? I never knew my Lord to say anything he did not mean. I am sure that he may sometimes mean more than we understand him to say, but he never means less. Jesus says to his disciples, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you."



Charles H. Spurgeon

Why do Many Christians Fail to Talk about Jesus? - "It is regretful that true children of the Lord often talk too little about Him. What is the conversation of half the true Christians of the present day? Honesty compels us to say that, in many cases, it is a mass of silliness, slander, gossip, and even lies. Often it is utterly devoid of the gospel and does not minister grace to the hearers. One of the greatest needs of the Church today is not so much Christian preaching as Christian talking and Christian conversation in the home and marketplace. How little do we hear conversations about Christ!



Charles H. Spurgeon

Am I My Brother's Keeper? God Commands Christians to Share the Gospel with our Brothers and Sisters. - Let us note that while we so heavily condemn Cain, we must remember that we are not without guilt ourselves. 1. It must be noted that man is not his brother’s keeper in some senses. 2. In an important sense, we are each one of us, our brother’s keepers. 3. It will be a high presumption on our part if, from this night forward, we shirk the duty of being our brother’s keeper.



Charles H. Spurgeon

Election - God Never Asks for Permission to Save Anyone. He Saves Whom He Wants! - Election - At the very announcement of the text, some will be ready to say, “Why preach upon so profound a doctrine as election?” I answer because it is in God’s word, and whatever is in the Word of God is to be preached. —What is this doctrine of election?   —What are the defenses of this doctrine?   —What are the evidences of election?



Tony Capoccia

The Warning from Hell - The Warning from Hell - This sermon looks at the true story, that Jesus told about the Rich Man and the Poor Man Lazarus. The text is Luke 16:19-31, and Jesus is warning the religious leaders and the wealthy elite of Israel, that they cannot love both God and Money. He shows that the Rich Man, who thought his wealth was a sign of God's Blessing and thus he was guaranteed a place in Heaven upon death, did in fact end up in Hell. He also reveals, that the Poor Man, Lazarus, who the Jews thought was cursed of God and was Hell bound, actually went to Heaven! Today, many in the churches think they are going to heaven, but will actually be condemned to hell. A sermon that one needs to hear and take to heart.



J. C. Ryle

Counterfeit Christianity - Our text for this morning deserve serious attention at any time. But they deserve a special notice in this age of the Church and the world. Never since the Lord Jesus Christ left the earth, was there so much formalism and false profession as there is in the present day. Now, more than ever, we ought to examine ourselves, and our Christianity, that we may know what sort it really is. 1:03:06
Charles H. Spurgeon

Our Position and Our Purpose - The Apostle Paul appeals to the noblest passions of the children of God, to their sense of divine ancestry, and a present endowment, as well as of an exalted destiny, for an incentive to the purity of character and holiness of life.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Why the Cross of Calvary is So Offensive and How to Share it with the Lost? - Though there has never been anything that has caused more disturbance in the world than the Christian religion. Strange, yet strangely true, that the cross of Christ has always been an offense and has provoked the fiercest battles and the severest strife men have ever had with their fellowmen.


J. C. Ryle

Are You a Member of a True Church, or Are You a Member of a False Church? - Jesus said, "On this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it." (Matthew 16:18). Truly one of Ryle's best sermons. There are five things in these words which demand your attention: 1. A Building: "My Church." 2. A Builder: Christ says, "I will build My Church." 3. A Foundation: "On this rock, I will build My Church." 4. Perils Implied: "The gates of hell." 5. Security Asserted: "The gates of hell will not overcome it."
Charles H. Spurgeon

All True Christians Will Often Receive Discipline from the Lord--Why? - To bring comfort to the Lord's children who have begun to worry themselves because things do not go with them as they desire. 1. I ask you to notice that God’s children are being trained. 2. We have had God's children being trained; now, let us think of God’s children being educated. 3. God’s children are still dear to Him. 4. God’s people will be righted in the end, for any wrong done to them.


Charles H. Spurgeon

True Prayer--True Power? - "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." 1. To make prayer of any value, there should be definite objects for which to plead for. 2. The definite object for prayer should also be an earnest desire for its attainment. 3. Prayer would not be powerful and effective unless they were mixed with a firm faith and belief in God. 4. There must be fervent desires and strong faith in prayer.


J. C. Ryle

Bible Reading - Next to praying there is nothing so important in the Christian walk as reading the Bible. By reading the Bible we will learn what to believe, what to be, and what to do; how to live with comfort, and how to die in peace. Happy is that man or woman who reads the Bible! Happiest of all are those who not only read it, but obey it. 1:14:11
Charles H. Spurgeon

How to Pray to Get What You Want Jesus to Do! - Jesus says to us, "'What do you want me to do for you?" (Mark 10:51) We can draw comfort from the thought that our prayers are never intrusions. Whenever we go before God in deep distress, He is always ready to listen to our cry. Whatever grand purpose or important project engages His mind, He will surely be attentive to the longings of his needy petitioners--His saints.


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Omniscience of God, is An Overwhelming Truth, That God is Watching You At All Times--24/7 - "Remember that, each one of us is not ignored; we do not pass through this world in unseen obscurity. It is nothing that holy angels see me; it is nothing that demons watch me, when compared with the overwhelming truth, that God, sees me at all times.


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Living God Speaks to You Daily Through His Infallible Word—Listen to Him! - Let others adopt whatever behavior they please. As for us and our house, this priceless Bible shall remain the standard of our faith and the ground of our hope for as long as we live. Others may choose what gods they will and follow what authorities they prefer. But, as for us, the glorious Jehovah is our God, and we believe that “The mouth of the Lord has spoken” every doctrine in the Bible.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Immutability of God Comforts the Soul, Calms Pains of Grief and Sorrow, and Speaks Peace in Trials -Immutability (unable to be changed). I know nothing which can so comfort the soul, calm the pains of grief and sorrow, speak peace to the winds of trial, as a devout mediation upon the subject of the Godhead.


Charles H. Spurgeon

A Warning about Becoming Lukewarm toward Jesus - "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth." [Revelation 3:1] "I would guess that the church at Laodicea was once in a very fervent and healthy condition. However, it degenerated in the process of time, and cooling down from its former passion, it became careless, lax, and indifferent.


Charles H. Spurgeon

How to Win a Soul to Christ - God saved us and left us here on earth to lead others to Christ—have you led anyone to Christ? Soul-winning must be the primary pursuit of every true believer. 


Tony Capoccia

Total Forgiveness - This message exposes a common fault found in most evangelical, fundamental churches: they discriminate and restrict the ministry of many church members because of some significant sins in their past. Our text reveals a God of Total Forgiveness and restoration.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Men and Women, Meeting Together in Corporate Prayer, Accomplish Great Things for God and His Church - Prayer meetings at Church gather God's people for a special kind of worship consisting of expressing their desires before the Lord, which accomplishes great things for God and His Church.


J. C. Ryle

Are You a Slave to Sin? If So, Then Know You Can Be Set Free! - The subject before us today deserves our attention. It should ring in the ears of every person like the voice of a trumpet. We live in a land that is the very cradle of freedom. But are we ourselves free? Yet there is a freedom, within the reach of all of us, which few, I am afraid, ever think of--This is the freedom about which I speak today. Do we know anything about it? Are we free?

J. C. Ryle

Seven Critical Thoughts to Consider about Prayer, That Will Change Your Christian Life! - Prayer is the most crucial subject in practical religion. All other subjects are second to it. Reading the Bible, listening to sermons, attending public worship, going to the Lord's Table--all these are very important matters. But none of them are so important as private prayer. 1:13:29
Charles H. Spurgeon

Spurgeon's Gems #1 to #50 - These Gems are a collection of many treasured sayings of Charles Spurgeon during his ministry of over 40 years. My purpose in presenting them is to encourage and help Christians in their love and devotion to their Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.


J. C. Ryle

Never Be Lacking in Zeal, but Keep Your Spiritual Fervor—Serving the Lord! - “It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good.” (Galatians 4:18) Like many others in religion, Zeal is a subject that is sadly misunderstood. Many would be ashamed to be thought zealous Christians. But Zeal is a subject that no reader of the Bible has any right to pass over. If we make the Bible our rule of faith and practice, we cannot turn away from the subject of Zeal. We must look it directly in the face.
Charles H. Spurgeon

Do We Have the Holy Spirit within Us? If Not, then We are Not Saved and Put Our Church at Risk. - "These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit." [Jude 1:19]. Our text suggests to us three things: 1. A Question--Do we have the Holy Spirit within us? 2. A Caution--if we do not have the Holy Spirit, then we are sensual, carnal, and worldly. 3. A Suspicion--Our suspicion concerning them is, that despite their strong and bold profession of faith in Christ, they are sensual, carnal, and worldly, and don't have the Holy Spirit.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Eternal Security - There are two things in my text which will suffice for our meditation. First, here is a description given of the Lord's people. "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. And then, secondly, there is a privilege guaranteed to them, namely, their everlasting, unquestionable safety. "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one."


Charles H. Spurgeon

Turn or Burn - Originally preached on December 7, 1856. A bold and needful sermon warning a person to "turn" from their sins or else "burn" for their sins in the eternal torments of fire in Hell.


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Life and Death of a Christian - "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21). Come, then, beloved; we have before us the picture of a man, the two sides of whose existence will both bear inspection; we have his life, we have his death: we have it said of his life, "to live is Christ," of his death, "to die is gain;" and if the same can be said of any of you, oh! You may rejoice! You are among that very happy number whom the Lord has loved, and whom he delights to honor.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Living and Dying in the Valley of the Shadow of Death - This sermon applies to the experience of dying, but, for certain, that is not its only intent, for it also applies to living out our life. At this time, if through any unique trials and adversities, you are discouraged, you are walking through the death shadows, I pray that you would repeat the words of the text, and may the Lord help you to feel that they are true, "Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me." Our text will reveal three aspects concerning the Valley of the Shadow of Death,


John Bunyan

Praying in the Spirit - This is an excellent sermon on prayer, because John Bunyan (author of "Pilgrim's Progress,”) wrote this while he was in prison for his bold preaching, therefore he would have been most intimately familiar with prayer. (1) What is prayer? (2) What is it to pray in the Spirit? (3) What is it to pray with my Spirit, and with my mind?



Charles H. Spurgeon

Needless Fears - I want, this morning, to be the means in the hands of God of turning the thoughts of his people away from the distress of the present to the joy and comfort which, though more remote, ought still to be more powerful over the mind and heart because of the real inherent greatness.


Charles H. Spurgeon

A Preview of What Heaven Will be Like - I will present some views of heaven to give you some idea of how Christians on earth can enjoy a preview of the blessings yet to be revealed.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Self-Examination - "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you - unless, of course, you fail the test?" [2 Corinthians 13:5] "I feel constrained to address you on a subject which has often been on my heart and frequently on my lips, and concerning which, I dare say, I have admonished a very large proportion of this audience before--a solemn text, that we cannot preach too impressively, or meditate on too frequently. First, I shall expound my text; secondly, I shall enforce it; and thirdly, I shall try and help you to carry it into practice here and now."


J. C. Ryle

Self-Examination--Find Out How Things Stand Between You and God? - Let us search our ways and find out how things stand between ourselves and God. Let us "see how we are doing?" I ask everyone listening to this sermon to join me in self-examination. If ever self-examination about our Christianity was needed, it is needed today. 1:02:01
Charles H. Spurgeon

God Incarnate, the End of Fear - "As soon as the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, they were terrified. It had come to this, that man was afraid of his God, and when God sent down His loving messengers with tidings of great joy, men were filled with as much fear as though the angel of death had appeared with an uplifted sword. The silence of the night and its dreary gloom caused no fear in the shepherds' hearts, but the joyful herald of the skies, robed in the glories of grace, terrified them. We must not condemn the shepherds on this account as though they were timid or uneducated, for they were only acting as every other person in that age would have done under the same circumstances.


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Sin of Unbelief - "The officer had said to the man of God, 'Look, even if the LORD should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?' The man of God had replied, 'You will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of it!'" [2 Kings 7:19] "I will this morning invite your attention to two things: The man's sin and his punishment. I will only say a little about this man, since I have already detailed the circumstances, but I will discuss the sin of unbelief and the punishment for that sin."


Charles H. Spurgeon

Suffering ~ God's People in the Furnace - This sermon covers four major points: 1. The fact that God's people suffer. 2. Why God's people suffer. 3. The benefits of suffering. 4. The comforts in the furnace of suffering.


George Whitefield

Marks of True Conversion - Jesus said, “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of God." FIRST, I shall endeavor to show you in what respects we are to understand this assertion of our Lord's, "You must change and become like little children." SECONDLY, I will speak to those who profess to have this childlike attitude. LASTLY, I shall speak to you, who do not believe that this change has ever taken place in your souls.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Holiness Demanded - "Without holiness, no one will see the Lord." [Hebrews 12:14] I shall endeavor, first, to give some marks and signs whereby a man may know whether he has this holiness or not; secondly, to give various reasons for the solemn fact, "Without holiness, no one will see the Lord;" and then, thirdly, to plead, in Christ's place, with those who are lovers of gain, that they may think of themselves before time is over, and opportunity is past."


Charles H. Spurgeon

Where do Babies who Die in the Womb or After Their Birth Go? And Why? - Perhaps the majority of this audience have, at some time or other, had to shed tears over a child's little coffin-it may be that through this subject, consolation may be afforded to them. 1. First, I shall endeavor to explain why we believe babies who die in the womb or after their birth are saved and go to heaven. 2. Secondly, give reasons for believing this. 3. Thirdly, seek to bring out a practical use of the subject.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Do Not be Afraid! - If you are brought to a crossroad tonight, and do not know what to do, take the advice of Holy Scripture, and "Do not be afraid;" but "stand still and see the salvation of God." I will give you tonight most of the instances in which our Lord himself expressly said, "Do not be afraid," and each one I will give to you, will either come from the lips of Christ, or else from Christ's own angel, sent to comfort one of his servants, I pray that it may come fresh from God to every tried and troubled believer, and that all of us together may receive for our different fears this exact same comfort from the mouth of the Eternal, "Thus says the Lord to you, 'Do not be afraid.'"


J. C. Ryle

Are You Lonely? Do You Need a Friend? The Best Friend Ever is Jesus Christ! - This my friend" [Song of Solomon 5:16] Do any of you want a real friend? I recommend one to you this day. I know of One who "is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." The friend I want you to know is Jesus Christ. Happy is that person whose best friend is Christ! 48:22
Charles H. Spurgeon

Forever with the Lord - "So we will be with the Lord forever.” [1 Thessalonians 4:17] "The very words of our text, it appears, were dictated by the Holy Spirit the Comforter, to be repeated by the saints to each other with the view of removing sorrow from the minds of the distressed. The comfort is intended to give us hope in reference to those who have fallen asleep [died as true Christians].


Charles H. Spurgeon

Flee from the Wrath Coming on Those Who Refuse to Repent of Their Sins and Put Their Faith in Jesus! - One of Spurgeon’s greatest sermons! 1. The Tremendous eternal punishment that overtakes all men and women who do not flee from the wrath. 2. The Means of Escape, “Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?”


J. C. Ryle

Come Out of the World - "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord." [2 Cor 6:17] "The subject is one which demands the absolute attention of all who profess and call themselves Christians. In every age of the Church, separation from the world has always been one of the grand evidences of a work of grace in the heart. 1:09:35
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758 The God Who Hears and Answers Prayer - This morning, we will look at four aspects of the doctrine, that God hears and answers prayer, I. We will see that: Our God—The True God, hears and answers prayer. II. We will see: How our God hears and answers prayer. III. We will see that: Only Our God hears and answers prayer. IV. We will see the: Reasons why Our God hears and answers prayer. 47:42
Charles H. Spurgeon

Hypocrisy - I am sure that every true child of God will, at times, doubt themselves, and their fear will probably take the shape of a suspicion concerning their own state. They will at times begin to be terribly alarmed, lest, the reality is that their godliness is only external, and their profession of faith is nothing but an empty vanity. Those who are true Christians will sometimes suspect that they aren't truly saved, while those who are false believers will wrap themselves up in the constant confidence of their own sincerity.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Prayer--Guaranteed to Succeed - "I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." [Luke 11:9-10] No matter where you find a man or a woman, when you meet someone in distress, they will ask for supernatural help. I believe in the truthfulness of this instinct and that men and women pray because there is something in prayer.


Charles H. Spurgeon

A Solemn Warning for All Churches - Not all who attend Christian Churches are going to Heaven. Are You? "I will use the church in Sardis as a picture of what I conceive to be the sad condition of Christendom at the present moment. 1.General Defilement—there were only "a few people" in the Sardis Church who had not "soiled their clothes." 2. Special Preservation—"there were a few" who had not soiled their clothes. 3. A Peculiar Reward—"They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy."


Charles H. Spurgeon

Heaven and Hell - Originally preached on September 4, 1855. Encourages believers who are on the road to Heaven and also utters some very piercing things concerning the fate of the unbeliever on the road to Hell. This sermon was originally delivered in the open air, to an audience of 12,000 persons.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Jesus said, “Love Your Neighbor as yourself!” Do You? If Not, You are Living in Habitual Sin - This rough world sometimes needs to be rebuked, and if we can get at the ears of the people, it is our business to reprove them; I think if ever there was a time when this text needed to be preached on, it is right now. It is so often forgotten, so seldom remembered, "Love your neighbor as yourself."


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Indwelling and Outflowing of the Holy Spirit - Christians, with all the work that the Holy Spirit has already done in us, it is very possible that we have missed a large part of the blessing that He is willing to give. Let us look deeper into the operations of the Holy Spirit


J. C. Ryle

Love -- the Queen of Christian Graces. Yet There Are False Notions about Love That Need Dispelled - There are false notions about love that need to be dispelled. There are mistakes about it which require to be rectified. In my admiration of love, I yield to none. But I am bold to say that in many minds, the whole subject seems completely misunderstood. 47:28
Charles H. Spurgeon

How to Read the Bible Bible - I. "In order to truly read the Scriptures there must be an understanding of them." II. "In reading the Bible we ought to seek out the spiritual teaching of the Word." III. "A reading of Scripture implies the understanding of its spiritual meaning, and the discovery of the divine Person within that spiritual meaning."


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Father Gave Everything to Jesus, and Since We Are Co-Heirs with Christ, We Inherit Everything. - We are heirs, as Christ Jesus is the heir of all things, then we are “co-heirs with Christ.” 1. Let us consider the terms of the will--"Co-heirs with Christ." 2. Let us view the estates--what it is of which we are co-heirs. 3. Let us proceed at once to administer, for God has made his children administrators as well as heirs.


Charles H. Spurgeon

The True Aim of Preaching, Teaching, and Sharing Christ to Win Souls - The best method of Preaching, Teaching, and Sharing Christ is: First, appeal to the understanding with a clear exposition of doctrinal truth. Secondly, to impress that truth upon the emotions of his hearers with earnest and forcible exhortations. We must not give exhortation without doctrine; if so, they will be like men who are content with "blanks” in their guns; they will have the smoke and the noise but no power. It is the doctrine we preach, the bullet we deliver, which God will make a power to bless men and women. However intense and zealous we may be in speaking, if we don’t have something weighty and solid to say, we will appear too passionate about nothing, and will not be at all likely to create a lasting impression.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Encouragement for the Depressed - "Who despises the day of small things?" [Zechariah 4:10] Now we will use this question to comfort two kinds of people—weak believers and timid workers. Our object will be to strengthen the hands that hang down and bolster the weak knees."


J. C. Ryle

Do You Have Authentic Christianity, or Do You Have a Counterfeit Religion? - If we profess to have any religion, let us be careful that it is authentic. It may be weak, feeble, and mingled with many defects. But is our religion authentic Christianity, or is it a counterfeit? —First, I will show the "importance of authenticity in religion." —Second, I will supply "some tests by which we may prove whether our own Christianity is authentic." 42:49
Charles H. Spurgeon

Death is Our Destiny--Take This to Heart - Perhaps there is no subject as crucial as Death, which is often ignored. A common saying in this life is, “We must live life.” But if we were wiser, we should say, “We must all die.” There is no necessity for life; life is a prolonged miracle. Death is undoubtedly necessary, for it is the end of all things. Oh, that the living would take this to heart.


J. C. Ryle

How to Become a True Christian and Go Non-Stop to Heaven When You Die! - May the Holy Spirit apply the subject of this message to the hearts of all who are listening today! May all who listen experience genuine salvation, obeying the command of the Lord, and thus, when they die, will spend forever in the bliss of Heaven with Jesus Christ, the Angels, and all those who Repented of their sins and put their Trust in Christ. 1:09:25
Charles H. Spurgeon

God's Will About the Future - "Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.' As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." [James 4:13-17]


Tony Capoccia

What Would Jesus Do? - This sermon title “What Would Jesus Do?” was based on a very popular Christian book written by Charles Sheldon in 1896, titled “In His Steps." It was so popular that it sold 30 million copies, making it one of the top 50 bestselling novels ever.


J. C. Ryle

Will We Know One Another in Heaven? - J.C. Ryle focuses on one point of deep and significant interest: the mutual recognition of saints in the next world. He examines the question, "Will we know one another in Heaven?" 14:33
Charles H. Spurgeon

The Pearl of Patience - "Let us briefly meditate on these two thoughts. First, we are reminded of the advantage to be patient, and it is not an unheard of virtue: "You have heard of the patience of Job;" and, secondly, we are commanded to be patient, and it is not an unreasonable virtue, for you "have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."


J. C. Ryle

Only One Way to Heaven ~ Christ. All Other Religions are False and Lead to Hell! - The Apostle Peter stood up boldly before the Jewish Priests and Sadducees and told them the truth to their face, saying: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." 58:11
Charles H. Spurgeon

How to Please God - "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." [Hebrews 11:6] First, the necessity of faith declared. Secondly, after we have declared it, we will pass onto the necessity of faith proven, that you may see, each one with his own mental eye, that it must be so, that "without faith it is impossible to please God." Thirdly, we will close with the necessity of faith used for profit; we will try to gather some lessons from it for our own practical guidance."


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Christian Church is in Great Need of a Revival - "Trusting that the Spirit of God will help me, I will endeavor to apply the text, first, to our own souls personally, and, then, to the state of the Church at large, for it greatly needs that the Lord would revive his work in its midst." “O Lord, revive your work.” [Habakkuk 3:2] —To our own souls personally. —To the Church Itself.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Faith - The object of our preaching and or sharing Christ is faith, for we believe that we have done nothing for sinners until, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we bring them to faith.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Revival – A Work Done by God Alone, but We Are to Pray For It! - There are three truths taught in our text: 1. Salvation is all of God's work—men and women cannot add a thing to it. 2. God's work of grace sometimes needs reviving. 3. No one can revive God's work but God Himself.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Future--A Look at the Events of the Second Coming of Christ! - A very unusual and exciting presentation of the Second Coming of Christ and the "end times" events. I have linked many Scriptures chronologically to form a picture of the end-time events, "as I believe they will happen." I would like you to take a trip forward in time, from where you are right now, and view the events of the end times as history, as if you are hearing a story that has already occurred. Can you picture us in eternity future, looking backward toward this era? Let me be your guide.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Withholding the Truth - 1. First, I will attempt to show the ways in which the bread of life may be withheld from the people, and the curse which will follow. 2. Secondly, I will try to depict the blessedness of the man who "gives it away," to the people. 3. Thirdly, we will conclude by opening our own granaries and breaking some of this bread among the assembled multitude.


J. C. Ryle

God’s Primary Purposes in Our Sickness! - This sermon reveals God's primary purposes in our sickness. Excellent message for those suffering from an illness or pain and those who minister to them. In considering the subject of sickness, three points demand attention. I. The "universal prevalence" of sickness and disease. II. The "general benefits" that sickness bestows on mankind. III. The "special duties" to which sickness calls us as Christians. 52:13
Charles H. Spurgeon

Do Not Fear Disasters - This sermon addresses the issue of the proper Christian response to disasters and other happenings in the world around us. Spurgeon discusses four significant points: 1. The way of God is generally hidden. 2. Great things with us are little things with God. 3. The most terrible things in nature have no terror to a child of God. 4. All things in nature are calculated to terrify the ungodly man or woman.


J. C. Ryle

True Christians are Happy! Are You Happy? - "Happy are the people whose God is the LORD." There are three things that I propose to do in this sermon: I. Point out some things which are absolutely essential to happiness. II. Expose some common mistakes about the way to be happy. III. Show the way to be truly happy. 1:11:23
Charles H. Spurgeon

There Are No Tears In Heaven. Instead, There Is Only Love and Joy! - "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."—Revelation 7:17 1. As God is to wipe away every tear from the faces of the glorified, we can infer that their eyes will be filled with tears till then. 2. It is worthy of reflection that since God never changes, He is drying tears from his children's eyes even now. 3. Coming right into the heart of the text, we will dwell on the great truth that Divine Love removes all tears from the glorified saints in heaven. 4. We close by asking some questions as to whether or not we belong to that happy family of the redeemed."


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Broad Wall Around the Church—How God Protects His Church and Each and Every Christian - This idea of a broad wall of protection around the Church suggests three things: --Separation --Security --Fellowship


Charles H. Spurgeon

A Song for the First Coming of Christ - A song to be sung 365 days-a-year, that is all about Christ, Angels, and Christmas.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Have You Forsaken Your First Love: Jesus Christ? - I fear the majority of us will find ourselves in our text. "I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love." Tonight I will condemn myself. My prayer before I entered this pulpit was that I might boldly discharge my duty, that I might deal honestly with my own heart, and that I might preach, being aware that I am the chief offender and that each one of you, in your way have also offended in this respect, even though none of you so grievously as I have.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Baptism - Essential to Obedience. It is Sin for True Christians Not to be Baptized “After” Salvation - For a hundred reasons, it is absolutely necessary for Christ's kingdom that the believer would openly confess his faith. Don't you see that? And therefore, baptism, being God's way of openly confessing our faith, is required to be added to our faith, that the faith may be a confessing faith, not a cowardly faith.


J. C. Ryle

Are You Rich or Poor? Know That Death Changes Everything! - There are probably very few readers of the Bible who are not familiar with the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It is one of those passages of Scripture which leaves an indelible impression on the mind. Like the parable of the Prodigal Son, once read, it is never forgotten. I invite you today to consider the leading truths, which this parable is meant to teach us. 1:07:24
Charles H. Spurgeon

The Condescension of Christ - "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." [2 Corinthians 8:9]


Charles H. Spurgeon

Jacob and Esau - "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated'" [Romans 9:13] "Do not imagine for an instant that I pretend to be able to thoroughly elucidate the great mysteries of predestination. Tonight, I shall do two things: I will explain this text to show that it simply means what it says, and I will not alter it—'Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.' To take off the edge of this terrible doctrine that makes some people bite their lips, I will cause us to notice that this is a fact.

After that, I shall try to answer the question, "Why was it that God loved Jacob and hated Esau?"


Charles H. Spurgeon

Little Sins - It will be my purpose this morning to answer this temptation, and try to put a sword in your hands so you can resist the enemy when he will comes on you with this cry; - "It is just a little one?" and tempt you into sin because he causes you to imagine that there is really very little harm in it."


J. C. Ryle

The Fallibility of Ministers - We must learn three great lessons from this passage. —That great ministers may make great mistakes. —Keeping the truth of Christ in His Church is even more important than keeping peace. —That there is no doctrine about which we ought to be so protective as justification by faith apart from observing the law.
Charles H. Spurgeon

The Power of the Holy Spirit - It is concerning the power of the Holy Spirit that I will speak this morning; and may you gain a practical example of that attribute in your own hearts, when you sense that the influence of the Holy Spirit is being poured out on me, so that I am speaking the words of the living God to your souls, and the power bestowed on you when you feel the effects of it in your own souls.


Charles H. Spurgeon

The Personality of the Holy Spirit - I invite your attention to this passage because we will find in it some instruction on four points: 1. First, concerning the personality of the Holy Spirit. 2. Secondly, concerning the united agency of the glorious three persons of the Trinity in the work of our salvation. 3. Thirdly we will find something to establish the doctrine of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the souls of all believers. 4. Fourthly, we will examine the reason why the carnal mind rejects the Holy Spirit.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Pray, Always Pray - First, when we pray daily, always ask and continue asking in the Name of Jesus. Secondly, because we are believers and have the Holy Spirit in us, we ask from a privileged position regarding praying. Thirdly, Jesus pleads for us, and the Father says, "Come and welcome, for I love you; no one can be more welcome than you are. Come, my child, ask what you will, and it will be done to you."


J. C. Ryle

The Blessings and the Dangers of Going to the Lord's Supper - Perhaps no part of the Christian religion is so thoroughly misunderstood as the Lord's Supper. There have been many disputes, strife, and controversies for over 1800 years. The same ordinance meant for our peace and profit has sometimes become the cause of discord and the occasion of sin. These things ought not to be!
George Whitefield

A Repentant Heart - Unless you repent, you too will all perish." (Luke 13:3). Because there is no word that is more misunderstood than the word "repentance", I will, 1. Show you the nature of repentance, 2. Show you the several parts and causes of repentance, 3. Give some reasons, why repentance is necessary for salvation, 4. Exhort all of you, no matter who you are, to strive after repentance.


Charles H. Spurgeon

How to use Our Gifts - There are many kinds of gifts. All Christians have some talent. Some may have only one gift, but all have at least one. The Great Master has apportioned to every servant a gift. No single part of a vital body is without its function and position. Every living saint has their charge to keep - their talent, over which they are a steward. A measure of gift is in all of us, needing to be fanned into a flame.


Charles H. Spurgeon

Holding Firm to the Faith - "To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. I know where you live - where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me." [Revelation 2:12-13] Our attention will be primarily focused on these words- "You remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me."


J. C. Ryle

God Commands Parents to Train Their Children to Follow Christ. Are You? You are accountable to God - "Train a child in the way he should go; when he is old, he will not turn from it." [Proverbs 22:6] It is a subject that concerns almost all of us. There is hardly a household that it does not touch. Parents, teachers, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters—all have an interest in it. Few can be found who might not influence some parents in managing their family or affect the training of some children by suggestion or advice.

J. C. Ryle

Danger of Churches with False Doctrine - "Our text this morning is a sample of what I mean: "I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ." That text contains three important lessons, which I wish to call your attention to. I believe in my heart that they are lessons for the times. I. First, the text shows us a spiritual "disease to which we are all susceptible, and which we ought to fear." That disease is a corruption of our minds: "I am afraid your minds may somehow be led astray." II. Secondly, the text shows us an "example, which we ought to remember, as a beacon:" "Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning." III. Thirdly, the text shows us "a point about which we ought to be especially on our guard." That point is being led astray "from sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
Charles H. Spurgeon

How to Bring Children to Christ - "My outline for today’s sermon: —Parents are the first persons who should labor to bring their children to Christ. —Although parents should be the first persons to bring their children to Christ, all of us, who are believers in Christ, may help in this blessed work. —There are some occasions that need united effort


Charles H. Spurgeon

War! War! War! - "In the present crisis of our nation, the minds of men are extremely troubled with dreadful prospects of a terrible struggle. We do not know where this trouble may lead us. The signs of the times are dark and dreadful. We fear that the bowls of God's wrath are about to be poured out, and that the earth will be flooded with blood. As long as there remains a hope, let us pray for peace, yes, even in the time of war let us still plead with the throne of God, crying, that he would "send us peace in our days." It would be good if we get involved in the war ourselves


Charles H. Spurgeon

A Guaranteed Way to Get Jesus, to Add Members to Your Church - "The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47) I. The Lord added new members to the Church. What about them? 2. Under what conditions may we expect additions to the Church on such a large scale? 3. What responsibilities do these additions to the Church bring to us?


J. C. Ryle

Heirs of God- "Our text this morning is a sample of what I mean: "I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ." That text contains three important lessons, which I wish to call your attention to. I believe in my heart that they are lessons for the times. I. First, the text shows us a spiritual "disease to which we are all susceptible, and which we ought to fear." That disease is a corruption of our minds: "I am afraid your minds may somehow be led astray." II. Secondly, the text shows us an "example, which we ought to remember, as a beacon:" "Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning." III. Thirdly, the text shows us "a point about which we ought to be especially on our guard." That point is being led astray "from sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
George Whitefield

The Great Responsibility of a Christian Family Leader - As for me and my family, we will serve the LORD." [Joshua 24:15] "And from these words, I will insist on these three things: First, That it is the duty of every head of a family to take care, that not only he himself, but also that those committed to his charge, "serve the Lord." Secondly, I will endeavor to show "how" the head of the family must to serve the Lord. Thirdly, I will offer some reasons, in order to stimulate family leaders, with their respective family, to serve the Lord.


J. C. Ryle

Idolatry - Our text which is the subject of this sermon may seem at first sight to be hardly needed in our country. In an age of education and intelligence like this, we might almost fancy it is waste of time to tell us to "flee from idolatry." I am bold to say that this is a great mistake. I believe that we have come to a time when the subject of idolatry demands a thorough and searching investigation. I believe that idolatry is near us, and all around us, and in the midst of us, to a very fearful extent. 1:02:01

J. C. Ryle

Thoughts for Young Men, Women, and Boys and Girls (PART 1) - This is PART 1 of the two-part Video...adding Points III and IV...When the Apostle Paul wrote his Epistle to Titus about his responsibility as a minister, he mentioned young men as a group requiring particular attention. After speaking of older men and older women, and young women, he adds this advice, 'Encourage the young men to be self-controlled' (Titus 2:6). These messages (Part 1 and 2) can be applicable to any Christian (men, women, boys and girls).
Charles H. Spurgeon

Baptism--A Burial - "Baptism sets forth the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and our participation in it. Its teaching is twofold. First, think of our representative union with Christ, so that when he died and was buried it was on our behalf, and thus we were buried with him. But there is a second equally important matter and that is our realized union with Christ which is set forth in Baptism, not so much as a doctrine of our creed, but rather as our experience"


Charles H. Spurgeon

Baptismal Regeneration - Originally preached on June 5th, 1864. Spurgeon discusses, in a very bold and passionate way the subject of Baptism. He presents the truth of the Bible as contrasted to the teachings of the Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches. This has to be one of his all-time great sermons--this is truly Spurgeon at his best!


J. C. Ryle

Thoughts for Young Men, Women, Boys and Girls (PART 2) - PART 2: III. I will give some general counsel which I beg young men [also all young Christians] to receive. IV. I will set down some special rules of conduct which I strongly advise young men [also all young Christians] to follow.


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