"And I heard a voice from heaven, as the
voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder;
and I heard the voice
of harpers harping with their harps."
-- Revelation 14:2
We may observe in these words (1.) What it
was that John heard, viz. the voice and melody of a company praising God.
It is said in the next verse that they sung a new song before the throne. (2.)
Whence he heard this voice, “I heard,” says he, “a voice from heaven.”
This company that he heard praising God was in heaven. It is said in the
following verse, “They sung this song before the throne, and before the four
living creatures, and the elders.” But the throne of God, and the four living
creatures, and the four and twenty elders, are all represented in these visions
of John, as being in heaven. So that this voice was the voice of the heavenly
inhabitants, the voice of the blessed and glorious company that is in heaven,
before the throne of God there. (3.) The kind of voice, which is here set forth
in a very lively and elegant manner. It is said to be as the voice of many
waters, and as the voice of mighty thunders, and as the voice of harpers harping
with their harps. Hereby several things are represented in a very striking
manner. 1. The distance of the voice. 2. That it was the voice of a vast and
innumerable multitude, so that it was as the voice of many waters. How naturally
does this represent the joint, continual, and loud voice of a vast multitude at
a distance, that it resembled the voice of many waters. 3. The loudness of the
voice. It was as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder;
which describes the extraordinary fervency of their praises, and how lively and
vigorous they were therein, and how that everyone praised God with all his
might. They all, joining together, sung with such fervency, that heaven did as
it were ring with their praises. The noise of thunder, and the roaring of many
waters, are the most great and majestic sounds ever heard upon earth, and are
often spoken of in the Scriptures as the mightiest sounds. John could not
distinctly hear what they sang, but they being in heaven, at a great distance,
he knew not what better to compare it to, than to the roaring of the sea, or a
great thunder. Yet, 4. It was a melodious sound, signified by this expression, I
heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps. The harp was a stringed
instrument that David made much use of in praising God. John represents the
matter thus to us, That the voice which he heard, being at a great distance, it
was in distinct; and being of such a vast multitude, and such a mighty fervent
voice, that it seemed in some measure like distant thunder, or the roaring of
water, and yet he could perceive the music of the voice at the same time. Though
it was in some respects as thunder and the noise of water, yet there was a sweet
and excellent melody in it. In short, though these comparisons of which John
makes use, to signify to us what kind of a voice and sound it was that he heard,
are exceedingly lively and elegant. Yet this seems to be evident from them, that
what he heard was inexpressible, and that he could find nothing that could
perfectly represent it. That a voice should be as the voice of many waters, and
as the voice of a great thunder, and yet like the voice of harpers, is to us not
easily to be conceived of. But the case was, that John could find no earthly
sound that was sufficient to represent it; and therefore such various and
different similitudes are aggregated and cast together to represent it. But thus
much seems to be signified by it, that it seemed to be the voice of an
innumerable multitude, and that they were exceedingly fervent and mighty in
their praises. That the voice of this multitude was very great, and exceedingly
full of majesty, and yet a most sweet and melodious voice at the same time.
The work of the saints in heaven doth very much consist in praising God.
I. Proposition. The
saints in heaven are employed. They are not idle. They have there much to do.
They have a work before them that will fill up eternity.
We are not to suppose, when
the saints have finished their course and done the works appointed them here in
this world, and are got to their journey’s end, to their Father’s house,
that they will have nothing to do. It is true, the saints when they get to
heaven, rest from their labors and their works follow them. Heaven is not a
place of labor and travail, but a place of rest. Heb. 4:9. There remaineth a
rest for the people of God. And it is a place of the reward of labor. But yet
the rest of heaven does not consist in idleness, and a cessation of all action,
but only a cessation from all the trouble and toil and tediousness of action.
The most perfect rest is consistent with being continually employed. So it is in
heaven. Though the saints are exceedingly full of action, yet their activity is
perfectly free from all labor, or weariness, or unpleasantness. They shall rest
from their work, that is, from all work of labor and self-denial, and grief,
care, and watchfulness, but they will not cease from action. The saints in glory
are represented as employed in serving God, as well as the saints on earth,
though it be without any difficulty or opposition. Rev. 22:3, “And there shall
be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his
servants shall serve him.” Yea, we are told, that they shall serve God day and
night, that is, continually or without ceasing. Rev. 7:15, “Therefore are they
before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple.” And yet
this shall be without any manner of trouble, as it follows in the next verse.
“They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun
light on them nor any heat.” In this world saints labor, as it were, in the
wearisome heat of the sun. But there, though they shall still serve God, yet
shall the sun not light on them nor any heat. In one sense, the saints and
angels in heaven rest not day nor night, Rev. 4:8, that is, they never cease
from their blessed employment. Perfection of happiness does not consist in
idleness, but on the contrary, it very much consists in action. The angels are
blessed spirits, and yet they are exceedingly active in serving God. They are as
a flame of fire, which is the most active thing that we see in this world. God
himself enjoys infinite happiness and prefect bliss, and yet he is not inactive,
but is himself in his own nature a perfect act, and is continually at work in
bringing to pass his own purposes and ends. That principle of holiness that is
in its perfection in the saints in heaven, is a most active principle. So that
though they enjoy perfect rest, yet they are a great deal more active than they
were when in this world. In this world they were exceedingly dull, and heavy,
and inactive, but now they are a flame of fire. The saints in heaven are not
merely passive in their happiness. They do not merely enjoy God passively, but
in an active manner. They are not only acted upon by God, but they mutually act
towards him, and in this action and re-action consists the heavenly happiness.
II. Proposition.
Their employment consists very much in praising God.
John the beloved disciple
had often visions of heaven, and in almost every instance had a vision of the
inhabitants as praising God. So in the fourth chapter he tells us, that he
looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven, and he was called up thither,
and that he saw the throne of God and him that sat on the throne. And there he
gives us an account how those that were round about the throne were praising
God. The four living creatures rest not day nor night, saying, Holy, holy, holy
Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And when those living
creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him, the four and twenty elders
fall down before him and worship him, etc., etc. Again in the fifth chapter, we
have an account how they sing praises to Christ, Rev. 5:8, 9, etc. And so in
Rev. 7:9, 10, 11, 12. And in Rev. 11:16, 17. And in the twelfth chapter, 10th
verse. And in Rev. 15:2, 3, 4. And in the beginning of the nineteenth chapter we
have an account how the hosts of heaven sing hallelujahs to God. By all which it
most evidently appears, that their work very much consists in praising God and
Christ. We have but a very imperfect knowledge of the future state of
blessedness, and of their employment. Without doubt they have various
employments there. We cannot reasonably question but they are employed in
contributing to each other’s delight. They shall dwell together in society.
They shall also probably be employed in contemplating on God, his glorious
perfections, and glorious works, and so gaining knowledge in these things. And
doubtless they will be employed many ways, that we know nothing of: but this we
may determine, that much of their employment consists in praising God, and that
for the following reasons.
because they there see God. This is a blessedness promised to the saints, that
they shall see God, Mat. 5:8. That they see God, sufficiently shows the reason
why they praise him. They that see God cannot but praise him. He is a Being of
such glory and excellency that the sight of this excellency of his will
necessarily influence them that behold it to praise him. Such a glorious sight
will awaken and rouse all the powers of the soul, and will irresistibly impel
them, and draw them into acts of praise. Such a sight enlarges their souls, and
fills them with admiration, and with an unspeakable exultation of spirit.
’Tis from the little that
the saints have seen of God, and know of him in this world that they are excited
to praise him in the degree they do here. But here they see but as in a glass
darkly; they have only now and then a little glimpse of God’s excellency. But
then they shall have the transcendent gory and divine excellency of God set in
their immediate and full view. They shall dwell in his immediate glorious
presence and shall see face to face, 1 Cor. 13:12. Now the saints see the glory
of God but by a reflected light, as we in the night see the light of the sun
reflected from the moon. But in heaven they shall directly behold the Sun of
righteousness, and shall look full upon him when shining in all his glory. This
being the case, it can be no otherwise, but that they should very much employ
themselves in praising God. When they behold the glorious power of God, they
cannot but praise that power. When they see God’s wisdom that is so wonderful,
and infinitely beyond all created wisdom, they cannot but continually praise
that wisdom. When they view the infinitely pure and lovely holiness of God,
whereby the heavens themselves are not pure in comparison with him, how can they
avoid with an exalted heart to praise that beauty of the divine nature! When
they see the infinite grace of God, and see what a boundless ocean of mercy and
love he is, how can they but celebrate that grace with the highest praise!
they will have another sense of the greatness of the fruits of God’s mercy
than we have here in this world. They will not only have a sight of the glorious
attributes of God’s goodness and mercy in their beatific vision of God, but
they will be sensible of the exceeding greatness of the fruits of it; the
greatness of the benefits that he has bestowed. They will have another sense of
the greatness and manifoldness of the communications of his goodness to his
creation in general. They will be more sensible how that God is the fountain of
all good, the Father of lights, from whom proceeds every good and perfect gift.
We do now but little consider, in comparison with what we should do, how full
the world is of God’s goodness, and how it appears in the sun, moon, and
stars, and in the earth and seas, with all their fullness, and wheresoever we
turn our eyes, and how all ranks and orders of being, from the highest angel to
the lowest insect, are dependent upon, and maintained by, the goodness of God.
These the saints in heaven clearly see. They see how the universe is replenished
with his goodness, and how the communications of his goodness are incessantly
issuing from God as from an everflowing fountain, and are poured forth all
around in vast profusion into every part of heaven and earth, as light is every
moment diffused from the sun. We have but faint imperfect notions of these
things, but the saints in heaven see them with perfect clearness. They have
another sense of the greatness of God’s goodness to mankind, and to the
church, and to them in particular, than any of us have. They have another sense
of the greatness of God’s goodness in the temporal mercies which God bestowed
upon them while they were here in this world, though they know that spiritual
mercies are infinitely greater. But especially they have an immensely greater
sense of the exceeding greatness of the fruits of God’s grace and mercy
bestowed in redemption. They have another sense how great a gift the gift of
God’s only-begotten Son is. They have another sense of the greatness and
dignity of the person of Christ, and how great a thing it was for him to become
man, and how great a thing it was for him to lay down his life, and to endure
the shameful and accursed death of the cross. They have another sense how great
the benefits are that Christ has purchased for men, how great a mercy it is to
have sin pardoned, and to be delivered from the misery of hell. They have
another sense how dreadful that misery is, for the damned are tormented in the
presence of the holy angels and saints, and they see the smoke of their torment;
and have another sense what eternity is, and so are proportionably more sensible
how great a mercy it is to be delivered from that torment. They have another
sense how great a fruit of God’s grace it is to be the children of God, and to
have a right and title to eternal glory. They are sensible of the greatness of
the benefits that Christ has purchased, by their experience. For they are in
possession of the blessedness and glory that he has purchased. They taste the
sweetness of it. And therefore they are more sensible what cause they have to
praise God for these things. The grace and goodness of God in the work of
redemption appears so wonderful to them that their thoughts of it do excite them
to the most ardent praise. When they take a view of the grace of God and of the
love of Christ in redemption, they see that there is cause that they should
exert the utmost of their capacities, and spend an eternity in praising God and
the Lamb. It is but a very little that we at best can conceive of the greatness
of the benefits of redemption, and therefore we are but little affected by it,
and our praises for it are low and dull things.
another reason is [that] they will be perfect in humility. In order to a
person’s being rightly disposed to the work of praise, he must be an humble
person. A proud person is for assuming all praise to himself and is not disposed
to ascribe it to God. It is humility only that will enable us to say from the
heart, “Not unto us, not unto us, O Lord, but unto thy name be the glory.”
The humble person admires the goodness and grace of God to him. He sees more how
wonderful it is that God should take such notice of him, and show such kindness
to him, that is so much below his notice. Now the saints in heaven have this
grace of humility perfected in them. They do as much excel the saints on earth
in humility as in other graces. Though they are so much above the saints on
earth in holiness and in their exalted state, yet they are vastly more humble
than the saints on earth be. They are as much lower in humility as they are
higher in honor and happiness. And the reason of it is that they know more of
God. They see more of his greatness and infinite highness, and therefore are
more sensible how wonderful it is that God should take so much notice of them,
to have such communion with them, and give them such a full enjoyment of him.
They are far more sensible what unworthy creatures they have been, that God
should bestow such mercies upon them, than the saints on earth. They have a
greater sight of the evil of sin. They see more what filthy vile creatures they
were by nature, and how dreadfully they provoked God by actual sin, and how they
have deserved God’s hatred and wrath. The saints in heaven have as much
greater a sense of their unworthiness in their natural state than the saints on
earth as they have a greater sense of God’s glorious excellency. For it is the
sight of God’s excellency which gives them a sight of their own unworthiness.
And therefore they do proportionally admire the love of God to them in giving
Christ to die for them, and the love of Christ in being willing to offer himself
for their sins, and of the wonderful mercy of God in their conversion, and
bestowing eternal life upon them. The humble sense the saints have of their own
unworthiness, doth greatly engage and enlarge their hearts in praise to him for
his infinite mercy and grace.
their love to God and Christ will be perfect. Love is a principal ingredient in
the grace of thankfulness. There is a counterfeit thankfulness in which there is
no love. But there is love in exercise in all sincere thankfulness. And the
greater any person’s love is, the more will he be disposed to praise. Love
will cause him to delight in the work. He that loves God, proportionably seeks
the glory of God, and loves to give him glory. Now the hearts of the saints in
heaven are all, as it were, a pure flame of love. Love is the grace that never
faileth. Whether there be prophecies, they shall fail, whether there be
knowledge, it shall vanish away. Faith shall cease in vision, and hope in
fruition, but love never faileth. The grace of love will be exalted to its
greatest height and highest perfection in heaven. And love will vent itself in
praise. Heaven will ring with praise because it is full of love to God. This is
the reason that great assembly, that innumerable host, [praises] God with such
ardency, that their praise is as the voice of many waters, and as the mighty
thunderings, because they are animated by so ardent, vigorous, and powerful a
principle of divine love.
I. This subject may
be applied in the way of INSTRUCTION.
hence we may learn the excellency of this work of praising God. That it is a
most excellent employment, appears because it is a heavenly employment. It is
that work wherein the saints and angels are continually employed.
If we sincerely and
frequently praise God, we shall therein be like the heavenly inhabitants, and
join with them.
That it is the work
of heaven shows it to be the most honorable work. No employment can be a greater
honor to a man than to praise God. It is the peculiar dignity of the nature of
man, and the very thing wherein his nature is exalted above things without
reason, and things without life, that he is made capable of actively glorifying
his Creator. Other creatures do glorify God. The sun, moon, and stars, and the
earth and waters, and all the trees of the field, and grass and herbs, and
fishes and insects do glorify God. Psa. 19:1-6; Job 12:7, 8. But herein is the
peculiar dignity of the nature of man, that he is capable of glorifying him as a
cause, by counsel, understandingly and voluntarily, which is a heavenly work.
this doctrine may give us an idea of the glorious and happy state of the saints
in heaven. It shows how joyfully and gloriously they spend their time. Joy is a
great ingredient in praise. There is an exultation of spirit in fervent praise.
Praise is the most joyful work in the world. And how joyful a society are they
that join together, so many thousands and millions of them, with one heart and
one soul, to sing a new song before the throne, that fill heaven with their
glorious melody! How joyful they are in their work, appears in the text, by
their fervency in it, so that their voices resounded as the voice of many
waters, and as the voice of a great thunder. What ineffable joy was there in
those harpers whom John heard harping with their harps!
This shows how
different a state the saints are in in heaven, from what they are in this world.
Here much of the work to which the saints are called, consists in laboring, in
fighting, in toilsome traveling in a waste howling wilderness, in mourning and
suffering, and in offering up strong crying and tears. But there in heaven,
their work continually is to lift up their joyful songs of praise.
This world is a
valley of tears, a world filled with sighs and groans. One is groaning under
some bodily pain. Another is mourning and lamenting over a dear departed friend.
Another is crying out by reason of the arm of the oppressor. But in heaven there
is no mixture of such sounds as these. There is nothing to be heard amongst them
but the sweet and glorious melody of God’s praises. There is a holy
cheerfulness to be seen throughout that blessed society. Rev. 21:4, “And God
shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow nor crying.” They shall never have anything more to do with
sighing and crying; but their eternal work henceforward shall be praise.
This should make us
long for heaven, where they spend their time so joyfully and gloriously. The
saints especially have reason to be earnestly breathing after that happy state,
where they may in so joyful a manner praise God.
this may put natural persons upon reflecting on their own state, that they have
no part nor lot in this matter. You are an alien from the commonwealth of
Israel. You are not one of the people of God. You do not belong to their society
that are to spend their eternity after that joyful manner, which you have now
heard. You have no right nor portion in heaven. If you hereafter come and offer
yourself to be admitted into this blessed society, in your present state; if you
come and try to be admitted, you will be thrust out. You will be driven away. If
you come and knock, and cry to be admitted to the wedding, saying, Lord,
Lord, open unto us, all will be to no purpose! You will hear no other word
except Depart! You shall be shut out into outer darkness. You shall not
be permitted to sing among the children, but shall be driven out, to howl among
dogs. Rev. 22:14, 15, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they
may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into
the city; for without are dogs,” etc. You are in danger of spending eternity,
not in joyfully singing praises, but in a quite contrary manner; in weeping, in
wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and blaspheming God because of your pains and
because of your plagues. You shall see others coming from the east and the west,
and sitting down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of God,
taking their places among that blessed, happy society, and joining their voices
in their heavenly music. But you see your lot. You shall have other work to do.
Isa. 65:14, “Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart; but ye shall cry
for sorrow of heart, and howl for vexation of spirit.”
II. In the way of
EXHORTATION. — If it be so that praising God is very much the employment of
heaven, hence let all be exhorted to the work and duty of praising God. The
following considerations will show why we should be stirred up by this doctrine
to this work.
let it be considered that the church on earth is the same society with those
saints who are praising God in heaven. There is not one church of Christ in
heaven, and another here upon earth. Though the one be sometimes called the
church triumphant, and the other the church militant, yet they are not indeed
two churches. By the church triumphant is meant the triumphant part of the
church. And by the church militant, the militant part of it, for there is but
one universal or catholic church. Song 6:9, “My dove, my undefiled, is but
one.” Christ has and hath many members.” The glorious assembly and the
saints on earth make but one family. Eph. 3:15, “Of whom the whole family in
heaven and earth is named.” Though some are in heaven, and some on earth, in
very different circumstances, yet they are all united. For there is but one
body, and one spirit, and one Lord Jesus Christ. One God and Father of all, who
is above all, and through all, and in all. God hath in Christ united the
inhabitants of heaven, and the holy inhabitants of this earth, and hath made
them one. Eph. 1:10, “That in the dispensation of the fulness of time, he
might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and
which are on earth, even in him.” Heaven is at a great distance from the
earth. It is called a far country. Mat. 25:14. Yet the distance of place
does not separate them so as to make two societies. For though the saints on
earth, at present, are at a distance from heaven, yet they belong there. That is
their proper home. The saints that are in this world are strangers here. And
therefore the apostle reproved the Christians in his day, for acting as though
they belonged to this world. Col. 2:20, “Why, as though living in the world,
are ye subject to ordinances?”
Some of a people
may be in their own land, and some in a strange land. And yet be but one people.
Some of a family may be at home, and some sojourning abroad. And yet be but one
family. The saints on earth, though they be not actually in heaven, yet have
their inheritance in heaven, and are traveling towards heaven, and will arrive
there in a little time. They are nearly related to the saints in heaven. They
are their brethren, being children of the same Father, and fellow heirs with
Jesus Christ. In Eph. 2:19, the saints on earth are said to be fellow
citizens with the saints, and of the household of God. And the apostle tells
the Christian Hebrews, Heb. 12:22-24, that they were “come to mount Zion, and
to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable
company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first-born, which
are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just
men made perfect.” But how were they come to this heavenly city, and
this glorious assembly, when they were yet here on earth? They were come to
them, ere they were brought and united to them in the same family. But this is
what I would inculcate by all this, that the church of God on earth ought to be
employed in the same work with the saints in heaven, because they are the same
society. As they are but one family, have but one Father, one inheritance, so
they should have but one work. The church on earth ought to join with the saints
in heaven in their employment, as God hath joined them in one society by his
We profess to be of
the visible people of Christ, to be Christians and not heathens, and so belong
to the universal church. We profess therefore to be of the same society, and
shall not walk answerably to our profession, unless we employ ourselves in the
same work.
let it be considered, that we all of us hope to spend an eternity with the
saints in heaven, and in the same work of praising God. There is, it may be, not
one of us but who hopes to be a saint in heaven, and there continually to sing
praises to God and the Lamb. But how disagreeable will it be with such a hope,
to live in the neglect of praising God now! We ought now to begin that work
which we intend shall be the work of another world. For this life is given us on
purpose that therein we might prepare for a future life. The present state is a
state of probation and preparation, a state of preparation for the enjoyments
and employment of another, future, and eternal state. And no one is ever
admitted to those enjoyments and employments, but those who are prepared for
them here. If ever we would go to heaven, we must be fitted for heaven in this
world. We must here have our souls molded and fashioned for that work and that
happiness. They must be formed for praise, and they must begin their work here.
The beginnings of future things are in this world. The seed must be sown here.
The foundation must be laid in this world. Here is laid the foundation of future
misery, and of future happiness. If it be not begun here, it never will be
begun. If our hearts be not in some measure tuned to praise in this world, we
shall never do anything at the work hereafter. The light must dawn in this
world, or the sun will never rise in the next. As we therefore all of us would
be, and hope to be, of that blessed company which praise God in heaven, we
should now inure ourselves to the work.
those works of God’s mercy for which the saints in heaven will chiefly praise
him, have been wrought amongst us in this world.
The mercy and grace
of God for which the saints in heaven will chiefly praise him is his mercy
exercised in he work of redemption, which work has been wrought out in this
world. This love of God is the chief object of their admiration, and what they
chiefly contemplate, and that employs their most ardent praises.
The grace of
Christ, about which their praises will be principally employed is that he should
so love sinful man as to undertake for him, to take upon him man’s nature, and
lay down his life for him. We find that is the subject of their praises in Rev.
5:8, 9, “And when he had taken the book, the four living creatures, and the
four and twenty elders, fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them
harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints; and
they sang a new song, Thou art worthy, for thou hast redeemed us to God by thy
They will chiefly
praise God for these fruits of his mercy, because these are the greatest fruits
of it that ever have been, far greater than the glorifying of saints. The saints
in heaven will praise God for bestowing glory upon them. But the actual
bestowment of glory upon them, after it has been purchased by the blood of
Christ, is in no measure so great a thing as the purchasing of it by his blood.
For Christ, the eternal Son of God, to become man, and to lay down his life, was
a far greater thing than the glorifying of all the saints that ever have been,
or ever will be glorified, from the beginning of the world to the end of it. The
giving Christ to die, comprehends all other mercies. For all other mercies are
through this. The giving of Christ is a greater thing than the giving of all
things else for the sake of Christ. This evidently appears, from Rom. 8:32,
“He who spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he
not with him also freely give us all things?” So that the work of redemption
is that for which the saints in heaven do chiefly praise God. But this work has
been wrought here, among us in this world. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt
among us.” The incarnation of Christ was a thing that was brought to pass in
this world, and the sufferings and death of Christ were also accomplished on
earth. Shall heaven be filled with praises for what was done on earth, and shall
there be no praises on earth where it was done?
if you praise God sincerely in this world, it will be a sign that you are really
to be one of those that shall praise him in heaven. If any man be found
sincerely glorifying God, he will in due time be brought to them, as one who is
fit to be of their company. Heaven is the appointed place of all sincere
praisers of God. They are all to be gathered together there. And no man can
sincerely praise God unless he be one of those who are redeemed from among men,
one that God has separated from the rest of the world, and set apart for
if we begin now to exercise ourselves in the work of heaven, it will be the way
to have foretastes of the enjoyments of heaven. The business and the happiness
go together. This will be the way to have your heart filled with spiritual joy
and comfort. If you heartily praise God, you shall rejoice in him, and he will
show you more of himself, of his glory and love, that you may still have greater
cause of praise.
I proceed to give
some DIRECTIONS for the performance of this work.
be directed, in order to your acceptably performing this duty, to repent of your
sins, and turn to God. If you have not a work of conversion wrought in you, you
will do nothing to any purpose in this work of praise. An unconverted person
never once sincerely or acceptably praises God. If you would do the work of the
saints in heaven, you must be, not only in profession, but really, one of their
society. For there are none else can do their work. As in the verse following
the text: “And they sung as it were a new song, before the throne, and before
the four living creatures, and the elders; and no man could learn that song, but
the hundred and forty-four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.” A
hundred and forty-four thousand is a mystical number for the church of God, or
the assembly of the saints, or those that are redeemed from the earth.. There is
no man can learn the song that they sing in heaven, but those of that number. It
is beyond the reach of all natural men, let them be persons of ever so great
abilities and sagacity. They never can learn that heavenly song, if they be not
of that number. For it is only the sanctifying, saving instruction of the Spirit
of God, that can teach us that song.
labor after more and more of those principles from whence the praise of the
saints in heaven doth arise. You have already heard that the saints in heaven do
praise the Lord so fervently because they see him. Labor therefore that
you, though you have not an immediate vision of God, as they have, may yet have
a clear spiritual sight of him, and that you may know more of God, and have
frequent discoveries of him made to you.
You have heard that
the saints in heaven make praise so much their work, because of the great sense
they have of the greatness and wonderfulness of the fruits of the Lord’s
goodness. Labor therefore to get your minds more deeply impressed with such a
The saints in glory
are so much employed in praise, because they are perfect in humility, and
have so great a sense of the infinite distance between God and them. They have a
great sense of their own unworthiness, that they are by nature unworthy of any
of the mercy of God. Labor therefore that you may obtain more of a sense of your
own littleness, and vileness; that you may see more what you are, how ill you
have deserved at the hands of God, and how you are less than the least of all
his mercies.
The hearts of the
saints in heaven are all inflamed with divine love, which continually
influences them to praise God. Seek that this principle may abound in you, and
then you likewise will delight in praising God. It will be a most sweet and
pleasant employment to you.
labor, in your praises, to praise God, so far as may be, in the same manner that
the saints do in heaven. They praise him fervently, with their whole
heart, and with all their strength, as was represented in vision to John by the
exceeding loudness of their praise. Labor therefore that you may not be cold and
dull in your praises, but that you also may praise God fervently.
The saints in
heaven praise God humbly. Let it also be your delight to abase
yourselves, to exalt God, and set him upon the throne, and to lie at his
The saints in
heaven praise God unitedly. They praise him with one heart and one soul,
in a most firm union. Endeavor that you may thus praise God in union with his
people, having your hearts knit to them in fervent love and charity, which will
be a great help to your praising and glorifying God unitedly with them.
III. In the way of
REPROOF to those who neglect the singing of God’s praises. Certainly,
such a neglect is not consonant to the hope and expectation of spending an
eternity in that work. It is an appointment of God, that we should not only
praise in our prayers, but that we should sing his praises. It was a part
of divine worship, not only under the Old Testament, but the New. Thus we read
that Christ and his disciples sung praises together, Mat. 26:30. So it is
commanded, Eph. 5:18, 19, “Be ye filled with the Spirit, speaking to
yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody
in your hearts to the Lord.” And Col. 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell in
you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and
hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” 1
Cor. 14:15, “I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the
understanding also.” So also the saints in heaven are represented as singing
God’s praises. And is that their happy and glorious employment; and yet shall
it be so neglected by us, who hope for heaven? If there be any of the godly that
do neglect this duty, I would desire them to consider how discordant such a
neglect is with their profession, with their state, and with the mercies which
God has bestowed. How much cause has God given you to sing his praise! You have
received more to prompt you to praise God than all the natural men in the world.
And can you content yourself to live in the world without singing the praises of
your heavenly Father, and your glorious Redeemer?
Parents ought to be
careful that their children are instructed in singing, that they may be capable
of performing that part of divine worship. This we should do, as we would have
our children trained up for heaven, for we all of us would have our children go
to heaven.
IV. In the way of
CONSOLATION to the godly. It may be matter of great comfort to you that you are
to spend your eternity with the saints in heaven, where it is so much their work
to praise God. The saints are sensible what cause they have to praise God, and
oftentimes are ready to say they long to praise him more and that they never can
praise him enough. This may be a consolation to you, that you shall have a whole
eternity in which to praise him. They earnestly desire to praise God better.
This, therefore, may be your consolation, that in heaven your heart shall be
enlarged, you shall be enabled to praise him in an immensely more perfect and
exalted manner than you can do in this world. You shall not be troubled with
such a dead, dull heart, with so much coldness, so many clogs and burdens from
corruption, and from a earthly mind; with a wandering, unsteady heart; with so
much darkness and so much hypocrisy. You shall be one of that vast assembly that
praise God so fervently, that their voice is “as the voice of many waters, and
as the voice of mighty thunderings.”
Added to Bible Bulletin Board's Jonathan Edwards Collection by:
Tony Capoccia
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