I understand that sin is sin, whether it's a
little lie or adultery, and that God forgives all sins when we repent and
confess, but are their degrees of sin? I ask this because my mother committed
adultery, divorced my father after many years of marriage, and married the person
she committed adultery with.
True, all sin is an offense against a Holy God. However,
there are severity of sins. Let me explain. If a teenager speaks
harshly to their mother, it is a sin. But if that same teenager were to
slap their mother, then it is a more serious offense, and hurts the mother's
heart more deeply. Both offenses are sin, but one has even a greater
offense and act of defiance. When we sin against God it is like a slap
of defiance in His face, but a sin of adultery against the partner of one's
youth is a very hard slap of defiance. A husband may think of an immoral
thought, and that is sin, but to actually commit an act of adultery against
his wife is very serious.
God forgives the sins of Christians when they truly repent from
their hearts. Actually, their sins (past, present, and future) were all
forgiven at the cross, and the sin we actually confess has already been paid
for, but when we actually commit the sin, then we offend God our Father, and
interrupt the sweet fellowship with Him. The Father wants us to repent and restore the relationship
of sweetness. Our eternal salvation was never in question (if we were
truly saved).
However, since God's purpose in saving us was to make us more
like Christ, so that we can bring honor and glory to Christ, then He (as a
perfect loving Father) must discipline us because of the sin. For your
mother to have committed adultery was a serious sin against God, and she did
not desire to repent, for she continued on in divorcing her husband and
then marrying this other person. If when this is all over, she decides
that she has done wrong and confesses her sin, then yes, God forgives her, and
starts the restoration process. However, there most likely will be
consequences of the sin and some discipline. Remember, as Christians we
represent Christ, and so the sin not only brings shame upon us, but also upon
Christ and His church. Discipline of the repentant Christian may also
serve as an example to others, and also show the world that God does
discipline His children--If He doesn't then He is not a perfect Father.
For a Christian to leave their marriage partner, is a statement
that loudly says they do not trust that God can solved whatever
problem or need that they have in their marriage. God's will is for
Christians to stay married no matter what, and to trust and pray to Him for
help in that relationship.
Most likely, if your mother is truly a Christian, then God will
have to discipline her for her sin, and it will be in love, but it most likely
will be painful. He can use physical suffering, emotional pain, etc.,
but whatever, it is designed to teach her not to do that again, and for others
to take heed, and to vindicate Christ and his Church in the world.
King David committed an awful sin of adultery and murder, and
suffered greatly for it, even though he was forgiven. God says of David,
that he was a man after my own heart, but He had to discipline him for his sin
against God and the shame brought to God's people.
I can honestly say that I have been tempted in my own life to
commit some serious sins, but have always reflected on God's Word and the fact
that as a loving Father He would have to discipline me, and frankly I didn't
want to experience that or cause pain to my loved ones, thus I could turn from
the temptations. The secret is to stay close to the Lord by reading His
Word and praying daily.
Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Tony Capoccia's Questions and
Answers" by:
Tony Capoccia
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