
When a "believer" divorces and remarries unbiblically (knowing that this is a sin in God's eyes), is that person now living in adultery?



Question (continued):

Since remarriage is a sin and now that person would be living in adultery, what is the difference in just living together (adultery) without the benefit of remarriage (since the remarriage is also a sin).  Wouldn't we be "living in sin" whether remarried or not if the marriage itself is sin?

Answer (continued):

Well, you have just added sin to sin.  It is a sin to divorce your spouse for nonbiblical reasons.  It is another sin to remarry when in that situation.  It is also a sin to divorce your spouse and just move in with someone.  It is all adultery, but now you have added the sin of having a sexual relationship outside of marriage.  It is all sin, and there is not a lesser or greater sin.  From a worldly (unbeliever) perspective, the living out of wedlock (after the divorce) is worst than getting married to another person.  Now, if the world knew you were a Christian, they would think you a better Christian if you remarried rather than live in an openly immoral relationship, so you bring even a greater disgrace to Christ, by living with someone instead of marrying them.

Question (continued):

Would one be considered as "living in adultery" forever when remarried unbiblically?  Do they need to ask for forgiveness for this sin everyday, since it could possibly be a daily occurrence of sexual immorality, unmarried or married.  Would this be a case of "practicing sin?" "living in sin"?

Answer (continued):

No, the "Living in Adultery" would only last until the sinful couple confessed their sin of adultery and divorce before God.  Then, assuming their repentance was sincere (there will be true shame and sorrow), then forgiveness will be given and the sweet relationship with Christ restored. Now, there most likely will be consequences for the sin, like David's sin with Bathsheba.  If they had remarried, then that marriage is to remain permanent.  God will then begin the restoration process from that point on. Confession of the sin is not required every day.  Once the sin is confessed then it is forgiven and forgotten.  Now, if the couple divorced their Christian spouses and then just lived together, then true repentance will cause them to stop living together (move out) then seeking the Lord's forgiveness for the sin.

Question (continued):

Does living in sin this way send you to hell?

Answer (continued):

No, not if you were a true Christian to begin with.  You see, when you became a Christian, God forgave all your sins--past, present and future.  You were eternally sealed for heaven, and nothing can prevent your eternal glory in heaven.  No sin--not divorce, adultery, homosexuality, murder, not even suicide will be able to rob you of your eternal salvation--if so, then it was not eternal.  Even though all your sins were forgiven at the cross, yet whenever you commit them, God says we must seek forgiveness for the disruption of the right relationship with Him.  It is never an issue of losing your salvation, only of restoring your right relationship with your

Now, note this, if a person, who claims to be a Christian, divorces his spouse and marries another, or just lives with someone, and refuses to repent and restore the relationship with Christ, then it becomes pretty clear evidence that they never really belonged to Christ to start with, and hence, a false believer, and condemned to hell forever. Now, in the remote possibility, that they were truly born-again, and have fallen into this grievous sin, and refused to repent and submit to God's will again, then God will discipline them most likely with death, in order to restore their relationship.

Lastly, let me say, that Christians don't just commit adultery all of a sudden.  There is something that was wrong in their walk, they stopped reading God's Word, they stopped praying, they allowed themselves to lust in their hearts, etc.  They basically started to ignore the conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit.

Also, God is a very Good Father, and when any of His children (Christians) fall into a sin and stay in it for a while, then, as a Good Father, He will start the discipline process, which can take on bodily disease, accidents, financial problems, psychological struggles, and ultimately death, if the Christian refuses to repent of his sin, and they are really Christians.  So it is never good to stay in sin as a Christian.

Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Tony Capoccia's Questions and Answers" by:

Tony Capoccia
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