Do you believe babies go to Hell if they die?
I personally believe that babies, and those under the age of accountability, and
those unable to think (severely retarded), go to heaven upon death. Now, can I
prove it from the Bible? Not as much as I would like. I find some evidence
that David and Bathsheba's baby (2 Samuel 12:23) went to heaven, but there is
not enough other Scriptures to be dogmatic and say that all babies go to heaven.
In order for David's infant to go to heaven, he must have been elect, because
all babies are conceived with the original sin of Adam, and thus are condemned
to Hell. And thus, all infants are incapable of saving themselves.
God must intervene with His supernatural and irresistible grace. However,
is a baby any more unable to save himself than is a 50 year old CEO of a large
company? Being able to talk and think doesn't make one any more able to
see and respond to spiritual things, since everyone is spiritual death and blind
at conception.
Christ would have had to pay for the sins of the infant, or even of the aborted
baby (the single sin of Adam). So that infant or fetus' original sin would had
to have been suffered by Christ on Calvary.
I think that David's son case, and his assurance that he was going to be with
the baby in Heaven is indication that a baby can be elect, but are all babies
elect? I would like to think so, but simply cannot prove it.
We cannot argue that "It wouldn't be fair!" since "fairness"
would put every human eternally in Hell. They all sinned in Adam, and thus
are all condemned (1Corinthians 15:22). We cannot argue that "They
didn't have a chance to exercise their free will!" Since they are blind and
deaf to spiritual things.
We may think that little babies are so cute and adorable, that God just couldn't
throw them into Hell, but remember, that "man looks at the outward
appearance, but God looks at the heart," and when God sees the heart of a
fetus or a baby, He sees sin.
So the question about babies, is did God elect all of them to salvation, or just
some? I personally believe they are all elect.
Now, let me add, that there are numerous passages in the New Testament that
speak of sinners being condemned to eternal judgment because they
"refuse" to believe, which may imply that one must actually
"refuse" the gospel to be eternally condemned, which would then seem
to require that a person be born and come to an age of understanding. This
"refusal" does not have to be verbal, but can be simply an ignoring of
the truth, as not being worthwhile. From all this, then we could add
support for the salvation of babies because of their inability of personally
"refusing" Christ and His gospel.
Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Tony Capoccia's Questions and
Answers" by:
Tony Capoccia
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